
Comprehensive National Literacy Enrichment Program (CNLEP)

There is a tension between federal and local control of schools, especially around reading, writing, and testing. In order to start to benefit from national research on reading, I asked ChatGPT to invent a new national policy, and schools around the country could consider this proposal for a new national reading policy for all K-12 Schools in the United States:

Proposed Title: Comprehensive National Literacy Enrichment Program (CNLEP)

Introduction: The Comprehensive National Literacy Enrichment Program (CNLEP) is a holistic reading policy designed to enhance literacy skills and foster a lifelong love for reading among students in K-12 schools across the United States. CNLEP aims to create a vibrant reading culture, empower educators, and equip students with the necessary skills to succeed in an increasingly complex world.


  1. Universal Access to Quality Literature: Ensure that all K-12 schools have well-stocked libraries with a diverse range of high-quality books, including fiction, non-fiction, multicultural, and inclusive literature.
  2. Personalized Reading Plans: Develop individualized reading plans for each student, tailored to their reading level, interests, and learning style. Regular assessments will be conducted to monitor progress and adjust reading plans accordingly.
  3. Teacher Training and Support: Provide ongoing professional development opportunities for educators to enhance their literacy instruction skills. Emphasize innovative teaching methods, effective reading strategies, and techniques for fostering a reading-friendly classroom environment.
  4. Family and Community Engagement: Promote partnerships between schools, families, and local communities to encourage reading at home and beyond. Establish regular reading-related events, workshops, and literacy-focused campaigns to involve parents and caregivers in their child’s reading journey.
  5. Digital Literacy Integration: Incorporate digital literacy skills into the curriculum, teaching students how to critically engage with online texts, evaluate digital sources, and use technology to enhance their reading experience.
  6. Inclusive Literature: Ensure that reading materials represent a wide range of cultures, backgrounds, identities, and perspectives. Promote social justice, empathy, and understanding through literature that reflects the diverse society in which students live.
  7. Reading for Critical Thinking: Foster critical thinking skills by encouraging students to analyze, question, and interpret texts. Engage students in discussions that promote deeper comprehension and the ability to draw connections between different ideas.
  8. Assessment and Monitoring: Develop a comprehensive assessment framework to measure students’ reading proficiency, comprehension, and analytical skills. Use a combination of standardized tests, portfolio assessments, and formative assessments to evaluate progress.
  9. Reading Enrichment Programs: Establish extracurricular reading clubs, book circles, and writing workshops to provide students with opportunities to explore literature beyond the classroom curriculum. Encourage peer-led discussions and collaborative projects.
  10. Continuous Research and Improvement: Fund and support research on effective literacy practices, reading interventions, and the impact of literature on cognitive development. Regularly review and refine the CNLEP based on evidence-based insights.

Implementation and Funding:

  1. The federal government will allocate dedicated funds to support the implementation of CNLEP in K-12 schools nationwide.
  2. States and districts will collaborate to design localized adaptations of CNLEP, ensuring flexibility while aligning with national goals.
  3. Public-private partnerships, grants, and donations from philanthropic organizations will supplement funding, helping to expand access to resources and sustain the program’s initiatives.


The Comprehensive National Literacy Enrichment Program (CNLEP) seeks to revolutionize literacy education in K-12 schools by creating a dynamic reading environment that empowers students, supports educators, and enriches communities. By prioritizing personalized learning, inclusivity, and critical thinking, CNLEP aims to nurture generations of engaged and literate citizens prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Dr. Robert A. Southworth, Jr.

Dr. Robert A. Southworth, Jr.

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